December 2002

Christmas Events





2002 Christmas Banquet

(Click on the photos for a larger view)

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The Cooks always do a fantastic job!

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Ken keeps the audience on their toes

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How about a punch?

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Is Maggie having a bad day?

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This table anxiously awaits the next course.

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Heidi and Heidi share Heidi secrets across the table.

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Michelle begins to wonder where Steve went with her punch.

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The theological table discusses theological concepts.  Par what?

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Rick is delighted that the White Elephant brought him a valuable blender.

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Wow!  I can't believe someone would part with a valuable thing like this.  What is it, dear?

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Deb shows off her new White Elephant fashion apparel.

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Vern provides a special Christmas music package.

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Dr. Poorman gives the Christmas challenge.




2002 Christmas Program

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Maggie and Nancy put together another great program


The 2002 Christmas Program Prelude

(Click on the photos for a larger view)

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Dina & Cindi
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Jainna & Carrie

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Prelude players



The 2002 Christmas Program

(Click on the photos for a larger view)

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Tim gives a warm welcome
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Maggie directs the instrumentalists

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The primary group tells us why there's a CHRISTMAS day

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Michaela & Jainna sing from their heart
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Ethan recites
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The little ones make a joyful noise.
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Jenna awaits her turn
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Michaela speaks her part
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Away in a Manger
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Tiny Tim hobbles in for a stellar performance
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The guys tell it on a mountain




2002 Choir Cantata

(Click on the photos for a larger view)

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Practice is important
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The guys enjoy a good snack
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The girls enjoy a good laugh
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Sing We All Noel
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Thanks to the musicians

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The Tree



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