introduces the 2002 conference theme: Think Globally - Act Locally |
Doyle Robertson led the singing, provided special music, and
gave a challenging message |
Ketcham presented the work of the MBA |
Tim Sherman presented the Freedom Flyers ministry |
Slobodian presented his work with Ukranian radio broadcasts |
Pastor C. presented work in foreign lands |
Nate & Wendy enjoy participating in the singing |
Deb enjoys the warm conference fellowship |
A highlight was the Missions Banquet led by Paul Harmon |
The banquet featured Ukranian foods cooked by Nate & Wendy. |
Great turnout! |
I can't believe Leigh didn't like the Borsch. |
Barb can manage both eating and talking |
Dr. Slobodian was the banquet speaker |
It is always a blessing to host a missionary... |

...or future missionaries! |