AWANA Grand Prix: Saturday April 13, 2002

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Commander Todd handles the official weigh-in

01WeighIn.jpg (77390 bytes)

A minor modification is needed

02MinorMod.jpg (83408 bytes)

The Sparks, Pals, Pioneers, Guards, Chums Lineup

03Lineup1.jpg (59067 bytes)


The JV & Leader Lineup

04Lineup2.jpg (68286 bytes)

The fans wait with eager anticipation

05Fans.jpg (76211 bytes)


06Race1.jpg (75593 bytes)

Close Friends.  Close Race.

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Placement on the track is critical.  
Don't distract them, Bill!

08Placement.jpg (17826 bytes)


Buzz Lightyear entertains the gals.

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The dramatic JV & Leader finish

10CloseRace.jpg (60327 bytes)


Design Winners

11SpkDes.jpg (85729 bytes)

Speed Winners

12SpkSpd.jpg (73473 bytes)

Pals / Pioneers / Guards / Chums 
Design Winners

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Pals / Pioneers / Guards / Chums 
Speed Winners

14PioSpd.jpg (67856 bytes)


AWANA JV & Leaders 
Design Winners

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AWANA JV & Leaders 
Speed Winners

16JVSpd.jpg (62258 bytes)



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