35th Anniversary Sunday
June 29, 2003

Click on the pictures for a larger view

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Steve Douglas, Dr. Crane, and Dr. Flinck
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Pastor Flinck and songleader Steve Douglas

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The congregation enjoyed the special music


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Ladies Trio

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Brass Ensemble


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Douglas Duet

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Men's Quartet

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Pastor Flinck welcomes the special speaker, Dr. Crane

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Dr. Crane calls on helpers to hold up the world
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What is happening in the world today?

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A special fellowship meal follows the service

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Ken keeps the grill going
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A shady table was appreciated by many

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How many can you squeeze under the shade?
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Pastor Ron leads in some games

Jordan enjoys watermelon
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Pastor & Gloria Odens join in the special celebration
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Dr. & Mrs. Crane

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A singspiration and testimony service follows the meal

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Steve points to the high notes

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Harley sings joyfully

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Julie & Michaela


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