March 30, 2003

Pastor's 50th
Ken's 40th
Berean Chili Cook-Off

(Click on the photos for a larger view)

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2003 Chili Cook-Off Judges

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The Judges search for the best-tasting, hottest, and most unique chili

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Julie records the judges in action - eating chili and watching NASCAR

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Some guys pass the time awaiting their turn at the chili by playing hangman

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So many chili choices

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Patience will eventually be rewarded

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Hungry faces line the hallway

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A 40-year old and a 50-year old.  Which is which?

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Sherri V. wins the prize for best-tasting chili

Donna M. wins most unique chili award

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Ken has a birthday and wins the HOTTEST chili award proving that life truly begins at 40.

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The afternoon service: Teens take control - Mark leads the singing.

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The girls are ready to provide the special music

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Carl and Mark play the offertory

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The teen girls sing from their hearts



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