November 9, 2003

Harvest Sunday

(Click on the photos for a larger view)

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Sabrina looks forward to eating lasagna for lunch

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Alathia Lianne attends church for the first time

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Nathan and Laura keep a watchful eye on Alathia

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The Harvest Sunday crowd

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Sam Slobodian plays his trumpet 
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The Pillsbury Baptist Bible College Handbell Choir performs
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Sam Slobodian translates for Pastor Peter Rumachik
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Jason is not only handy with tools, but is good help in the kitchen too!
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A fellowship meal follows the morning service
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John checks out the bountiful salad selection
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Famous Baptist dessert table
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The display table
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Caleb and Micah pause long enough to have their photo taken
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Jordan experiences energy expending opportunities before the afternoon service begins

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