Summer Camps, 2004

Junior Camp 3

(Click on the photos for a larger view)

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The Juniors invade Camp Chetek

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More Juniors than you can shake a stick at

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The blob awaits a challenger

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This is Wisconsin, so styles are a little different

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Michaela waits for her turn

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Michaela gets squeezed between her cabin-mates

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Michaela checks out the snacks and chooses a soda straw

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Michaela leads the way to adventure

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Is the gas pedal up here somewhere?

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Michaela knows how to ride a horsie

Senior High Camp 1

(Click on the photos for a larger view)

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Corey poses with his cabin-mates

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Amy and Amber are so supportive

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Ryan works on a unique creation

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The campers enjoy the sounds of the Bohemian Black Shirt choir

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It takes teamwork to climb the wall

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Camper Zeke wipes out

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A Fred Moore Hornet sighting?  
Oh, it's just Amber.

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Wave, Amber!

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Amy helps her team win the Mazatlan vacation & cruise package

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