Sept 29 - Oct 3, 2004

Faith Promise Missions Conference

(Click on the photos for a larger view)

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Pastor Flinck kicks off the 2004 Missions Conference

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The 2004 Theme: By Faith
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Steve leads the music

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Nancy and Leigh provide a special number

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Dr. Buck preaches Wednesday evening

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Fraulein Deb Fortezza sings on Thursday evening

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Dr. Ketchum preaches Thursday evening

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Friday is Hor d'oeurves night

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Which way are you traveling?

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The Strickland family examine some of the displays
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David Flinck provides a special number on Friday evening

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Assistant Pastor C. describes the Faith Promise concept

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The Flinck family sings an unforgettable number

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John and Joe ALWAYS pay close attention

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It's tough to be married to the Web photographer

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The food and fellowship time is popular

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Amber and Amy help out Heidi and Samuel

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So, I hear you survived a hurricane....

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The food from India keeps Josh coming back

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Nancy arranges the German flag napkins

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The conference bulletin board

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Mary and Joseph take a break from spinning in circles after complaining of dizziness

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Jeff carves out a slice of meat for Mike at the Saturday evening banquet

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Loren and Kristi are really embarrassed to be seen together

Shy little Michelle tries to hide from the photographer

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Ron and Heidi bring special music for the Saturday evening banquet

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Tim Sherman presents the "In Pursuit" ministry on Saturday evening

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Where is YOUR mission field?

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The teens perform a skit during the Sunday School hour

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The Alle family presents special music from India during the Sunday morning service

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Sunday Trumpet Trio

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Nathan and Laura sing

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Sambu De preaches 

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Sambu De


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