July 17, 2004

Parking Lot Work Day

(Click on the photos for a larger view)

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South Before

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North Before

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East Before

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North Before

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The timber workers watch as Julie climbs in the dumpster and flings timbers

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Dale arrives with the Teramite

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Josh uses his abilities for the Lord

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Leigh, you smell funny

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Gordy thinks abstract thoughts while smashing concrete objects

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The Teramite needs a mite of help from Mark

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Julie and Ron double team the stubborn concrete

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The earth moves for Dale

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Is this work, Dale?

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Paul stands a safe distance from the deadly blow of Julie's sledgehammer

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Paul speaks a polite Dutch word to the concrete before taking a swing: Alstublief

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Greg shows that real men rip out concrete with their bare hands

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Mark swings wildly as people run for cover

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Jessica checks in with Jonny while Leigh and Darcy check the bushes for squirrels

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Dale has too much fun

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Many hands make light work.  Todd! Todd!  Can you help out here?

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Supervisory crew insures proper concrete extraction practices are followed

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Julie crushes concrete with her bare hands

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Josh personally delivers a load to the dumpster

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The crew pauses for a photo

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I want to touch that bright red ball

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Keep moving

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Alan moves rock

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John moves rock

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Mark moves dirt

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Leigh and her friends move more rock


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