April 10, 2005

AWANA Awards

(Click on the photos for a larger view)

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The Cubbies and their leaders wait eagerly for the program to start


AWANA Commander Todd smiles sweetly for the camera

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Commander Todd leads a rousing song

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Leigh plays exuberantly

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The Cubbies led by Josh

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Josh is backed up by Libby

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The Cubbies take it away

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Cubbies, leaders, and helpers prove that A.W.A.N.A does not mean "Adequate Workers Are Not Allowed"

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Sandy introduces the Sparks

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Katie leads the singing Sparks

Sparks Sparks Sparks Sparks

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Award time

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T&T Boys led by Dale

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While standing between their muscular leaders, the T&T boys are on their best behavior

The T&T girls led by Kristi & Heidi

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The T&T girls whisper about what they learned this year

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The JV group led by Mr. Bill

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The JV group is characterized by its violent enthusiasm

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The leaders all stand and wait patiently while their photo is taken


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